Open Party演讲:生活中的学习和知识引擎的开发

这是演讲的演示文稿。 见该便条的附件。

这里着重申明一下,本博客上所有文本内容在知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0之条款下提供。


一个文化习惯了抄袭,转来转去,肆意更改,而不注明出处,那么这个文化里又有多少东西是可信的?这些和传来传去的谣言又有什么不同? 在国外,看什么资料,基本上都有相当的可信性,很容易找到信息的原始的出处,这样就容易很快知道知识传播积累的过程,而不是象国内翻天覆地的转载而很难找到原创的知识。一个文化,要建立起诚信的体系,是否应该从学校就开始(既然现在大家都要从小在学校接受这么多年的教育)要对剽窃的行为进行严厉的处罚? 中国学生去国外读书,最先受到大家告诫的就是千万别抄袭。如果有超过两句(含两句)不是自己思考而是从别人那来的,可以明显的看出引用的话,就必须注明出处。否则就是剽窃,学校立刻开除,没有任何商量余地的。我想,西方对剽窃如此严厉,所以他们的文化有这样的诚信,信息的传播有这样的可信度,知识也才可以系统的积累起来。




Why cite sources? 
Whenever you quote or base your ideas on another person’s work, you must document the source you used. Even when you do not quote directly from another work, if reading that source contributed to the ideas presented in your paper, you must give the authors proper credit.

Citations allow readers to locate and further explore the sources you consulted, show the depth and scope of your research, and give credit to authors for their ideas. Citations provide evidence for your arguments and add credibility to your work by demonstrating that you have sought out and considered a variety of resources. In written academic work, citing sources is standard practice and shows that you are responding to this person, agreeing with that person, and adding something of your own. Think of documenting your sources as providing a trail for your reader to follow to see the research you performed and discover what led you to your original contribution.

Plagiarism is defined by the Honor Council document as “the act of passing off as one’s own the ideas or writings of another.” In the Appendix to the Honor Council pamphlet called “Acknowledging the Work of Others” (which is used by permission of Cornell University), three simple conventions are presented for when you must provide a reference:

1. If you use someone else’s ideas, you should cite the source.
2. If the way in which you are using the source is unclear, make it clear.
3. If you received specific help from someone in writing the paper, acknowledge it.

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