2017 Yearly Summary of Learning


As now is right the New Year Eve. Seeing many friends sharing their summaries of 2017 reminds me of doing the same. However, usually I treat the end of the solar calendar year as the beginning of the summary process and try to allocate some time to keep doing it until the end of the lunar calendar year. So here is the start of that summary process.

So first this is the stat of my learning in 2017: http://3exps.org/social/leon/stat

At the top section, the Top 100 tags are the most used tags in my personal notebook for all the years. So with a glimpse, you pretty much can see areas I have been mostly working on.

Leon’s learning stat for 2017

The second section is my learning for the past 5 years. The data is listed as a table to compare each year so you can see the number of each type of notes made for that year. And you can also see the sum of self-ranked importance for each type of notes and the mean value. One interesting thing you might notice that the numbers have some consistence over years. For example, each type of notes roughly has the same magnitude of number across different years, and snippets always have the highest number of notes and the highest value of importance. That is understandable since snippet is the major type of notes used to capture Significant Experiences. Comparing the data across different years can give a big picture of that year’s learning and focus.

Top 20 tags for each year and new tags for each year offer allow you to understand each year’s learning through the tags perspective.

So the learning statistic page gives you a quick summary of this year’s learning and you can compare and see how this year has differed from previous years. The statistic page is still in the early experimental stage. We shall see what more can be added there. Do you have any suggestions? What do you want to see?

So after this quick review, more work is needed to summarize this year’s learning. For example, you can only view this year(2017)’s notes, and order them by importance. By viewing the most important ones, you can get a quick review of this year’s important learning. And you can also follow some existing workflow to work on your notes of this year by simple editing operations. In the following days and weeks, as I progress in the summary process, I hope to write more of how these can be done. I have written once some of this process before. But this time using the notebook I want to demonstrate this process dynamically online and hopefully make them into a pattern of workflows that can be shared.

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