Beginner’s guide to the Notebook

Notebook so far has three books: snippetbook (a collection of snippets or notes), bookmarks book (a collection of bookmarks), scrapbook (a collection of scraps). For the convenience of adding bookmarks, you can drag the link below to your browser bookmark bar. Add a bookmark For the convenience of adding scraps, you can drag the link below to your browser bookmark bar. Add a scrap There are two tags automatically added when a new user is generated: untagged, notebook feedbacks. “untagged” is the default tag used for all stuff not tagged. “notebook feedbacks” is used for users to provide feedbacks on this notebook application. About linkage:Linkage is a set of notes/bookmarks/scraps linked together because they are tightly related. For example, they come from the same event, or they are of the same topic. About folder:A folder is dynamic set of notes/bookmarks/scraps that are selected based on certain queries. About working set: A working set is a set of tags that you can work with when viewing stuff in the notebook. If you have a lot of tags, it is a good idea to choose a working set of tags to work with at certain times. About search:You can do some complex searches in the search box. Below are the sample queries: Note on notation: ‘t’ for tag, ‘v’ for vote, ‘&’ is “and” relation, ‘|’ is “or” relation, ‘~’ is “not” relation. edu efforts in China = t:chinese & t:education computer errands =  t:errand & t:on computer Chinese web and IT = t:OS in China | t:chinese sites | t:chinese web | t:grassroots in China | t:IT in China | t:beijing web important agile programming people = t:agile & t:people  & v:>2 Non tech blog= t:blog & ~t:tech important liberal arts learning = t:movies |  t:books |  t:blogs & ~t:tech & v:>2 consciousness only =  t:consciousness & ~t:society & ~t:new science & ~t:zen stuff that has “thinking” in = thinking

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